PIC Games:
Tropical Island(Decision Game)
Survival game based on an island. You are trapped on an island and you have to decide on the different steps you are going to take to survive. Good choices equal survival, bad choices equal death. PIC outcome 3: apply skills, abilities, theories, etc.
Toy Story
Placed in a childrens room with several objects and toys. When an object/toy is selected you are given a timer and several word choices related to the objects. Once you select a word you are given a randomly generated piece of childrens writing that relates to the object. PIC outcome 4: integrate modes of communcation, etc.
Creative Collage
A collaborative project amongst different majors. Each person can make a contribution based on their major, towards a diverse interdisciplinary result. Results are a creative digital collage that encompass the work of all who contributed. PIC outcome 1/2: connecting relevant experiences and making connections across diciplines and perspectives.
Nicolas Montes- Gonzalez
Liam Raissian
Elizabeth Feirstein